Developed to reduce organic waste in barns, coups, stalls, manure piles/heaps, houses, kennels, cages, litter, bedding, drain sewers, municipalities, towns and cities, waste water treatment plants (land and cruise ship based) and reduces foul odors from lagoons and retention ponds. Available in 15 lb Bulk (Blue lid) & 30-8oz water soluble throw packs (Green lid).
地址: PestWest中国 深圳市倍斯韦斯特贸易有限公司
电话: +86 755 22678185
上班时间: 周一-周五 930 - 18:00
周六-周日 下班
© Killgerm 集团 PestWest 电子有限公司- Killgerm集团成员之一